Annnnndddd we meet again (:  How is everyone?!  I hope that the new year is treating you well so far and that we are all living up to those resolutions!  I know I am!  Well, trying at least.  I have been eating fairly well and have been saying NO to any temptations that I have towards sweets and junk and I have also been keeping up with my workout plan too!  If you are reading this and are not sure what workout plan I am talking about, go read my previous post!  This plan is only 6 days a week...which I KNOW sounds like a lot, but on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays you follow a 28 minute workout.  That's it.  And then on Tuesday and Thursday you can choose to go for a 45 minute walk or bike ride and then Saturday is a relaxing stretch day and Sunday is a rest day!  It really has not been that difficult to fit into my schedule and I already feel really good about it.  (:

Now let's get into this recipe!

First things first your ingredients: 
~1 medium potato
~a small bit of chopped onion
~a small bit of chopped mushroom
~half of an avocado
~two eggs
~a good handful of arugula
~smoked salmon
~vegan butter
~coconut oil

Please note that these ingredients can be swapped out for others.  You do not have to use all of them. (:

I chop my potato into pretty decent sized chunks and then plop them into a small pot of boiling water for about 4 minutes.  In the meantime, I prep my pan where my potatoes will be cooking by melting down a small spoonful of the butter and the coconut oil.

  Once the 4 minutes is up, it is time to take the potato chunks out and put them into the heated pan on around medium to high heat.  (I recommend using a ladle that has holes in it to drain some of the water when to take the potatoes out & also, do not dump your water out because we will be using it later for our eggs!)  These potatoes will take about 15-20 minutes to really cook down but keep your eyes on them because they do need to be occasionally stirred.  After about 5 minutes of those cooking, I like to add my seasonings.  I like to use salt, pepper, paprika and a little steak seasoning.  Once about 12 minutes have passed by, boil that potato water again.

 You are going to want to crack your two eggs into a small bowl and wait for the water to fully come to a boil.  We are going to be poaching our eggs.  Now if you already know how to poach eggs, you can skip ahead. (;  this part is very easy but you must make sure to follow directions thoroughly.  Once your water is boiling, take the stick end of a wooden spoon or spatula or whatever you have to (carefully) stir the boiling water in circles.  It is important to keep stirring in a (carefully) fast pace motion until you can take the spoon out and it will be spinning fast.  Once you have done this, you will need to move quickly.  Gently pour those eggs into the spinning water, turn the heat all the way off and put a lid on the pot for 5 minutes.  DO NOT TOUCH THE POT OR TAKE THE LID OFF.  Please wait until the 5 minutes are up.  Thank you. (:

Now by this time, it is time to add your chopped onions and mushrooms into the pan with your potatoes just to give them some color.  And then for the best part!  Putting your bowl together!!! 

 I like to lay my potato mixture down first, then for my avocado, then comes the salmon, then the poached eggs and lastly the delicious arugula!  TADA!  How easy was that?  And now you are going to have a great stable breakfast that will really fill you up.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day people!!!!  Treat your bodies right by feeding it healthy foods.  Hope you enjoyed this recipe and I would love it if you would share your creations/bowls with me!  Have a happy and healthy day everyone!  Talk to you soon.  BYEEEEEE!



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