I really hope that all of you reading this had THE best holiday season.  I got super sick for Christmas (yay) and have been so busy with work and seeing family that I haven't been attending to my blog much and I'm sorry!  I am sooo sad that Christmas has come and gone but now I have next year to look forward to. (:

Today I wanted to share my New Year Resolutions!  I feel as though now that I am a bit older, each year they seem to be similar, but I tweak them just a little bit.  Cheers to 2017!

1.) Be more consistent. I want to be more consistent with eating healthy, working out, etc.  I sometimes will do something once and then not stick to it.

2.) Stick to a schedule/routine.  I want to try to eat at specific times of the day and have certain days when I do chores.  And even when I want to get my hair and nails done.  Basically, utilize my planner more for this.

3.) Be creative!  I have so many 'dreams' and things that I want to create...I just need to sit down and start doing them!  Stop talking about it and just do it!

4.) Pay off my debt/save my money.  I still have a lot left of my school loans and credit cards from Christmas which I really want to pay down.  I am so tired of thinking 'oh I can't afford to do anything because of how much debt I have.'  I need to start paying off bigger chunks and maybe just holding off on buying myself stuff for a little while. (: lol

5.) Travel.  I want to be more spontaneous and just book trips.  I think it is so important at a young age (well really any age) to go and explore the world!  There is so much to see and discover and I would love to just take a million photos and document everything.

     6.) Make time.  For myself, Tyler, family and friends.  Sometimes you have to be selfish and put yourself first.  But I also want to make sure that I keep my close relationships strong and make memories.  Life is too short and I just want to live it up!

7.) Read!  I have slowly become more into reading whenever I get the chance.  I read one really good book in the last couple months and it made me want to read more and then share with you what I loved.  I have a lot of books on my Amazon wishlist and just dream of having a huge library.  I honestly wish I read more as a kid and wish I liked it more.  Now is the perfect time to start!

8.) Youtube.  A while back I finally made my Youtube channel.  I had been talking about making one for so long and was just so nervous about it.  Now that we have moved and settled in, I have the space, time and software to get back into it.  I need to just do what inspires me and not worry about what others think.

9.) Cook!  This one is funny because I do cook.  A lot.  But I want to utilize my cookbooks and get creative with new dishes for Tyler and I.  I honestly will either look a recipe up on Pinterest or just wing it.  I want to have my classic recipes to pass down to my kids one day and want to have a whole book of my favorites.  Another thing...I was considering trying to go vegetarian plus not eating dairy and seeing how that goes...I honestly ate so much meat and a little dairy (I know....but it was hard not to) over the holidays and I seriously felt so sick some days.  Currently feeling sick typing this. lol.  I will get back to you on how it's going.  (:

And 10.) Worry less.  I worry way too much.  (Tyler knows (: ) I want to just go with the flow.  Everything will work out the way that it does.  There's no need to worry and stress over silly little things.

Thank you all for reading and for growing my blog so much over the last year.

What is something that you are looking forward to come this new year?



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